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L'Humain est notre exigence.

About us

Presentation of La Vie Active

La Vie Active was established in 1964 and it was recognized public-interest organisation in 2002. Since its creation, this key actor of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) keeps developing itself to better support its members/users facing difficulties in their daily lives.

Its active commitment addresses all the fields of action of the Health and Social Care sector. La Vie Active mainly targets children, adults, dependent elderly persons, as well as people with disabilities and vulnerable people.



Today, La Vie Active represents:

  • 13 000 ongoing individual supports
  • 90 Health and Social Care organisations and services
  • 4 200 members/users
  • 4 778 placements
  • 2 995 protection measures
  • 6 sectors
  • 3 915 employees and 1 000 workers with disabilities

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